Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Did You Miss Me?

Have been spending most of my efforts on the actual website and twitter lately.  2014 was a rough year in that you may have even noticed the SWCfootball.com website as dormant during football season last year.  Long story - but the space industry is tightening its belt and I was focused getting a project in the best position to hand off if necessary.  Fortunately, it did not happen!  I have been reconciling the 2014 page (as time permits) with all the notes I had saved.  It will eventually be complete for the sake of prosperity).  I have already completed the 2014 Uni Tracker.
More importantly, I have been heavily involved in the 2015 page - and what a year of college football it has been!  I have devoted my Saturdays to enjoying it and watching most games by former SWC teams.  The current page includes a 20 Year Look Back at the last official SWC football games.  Yes, it has been 20 years since the greatest football conference ever folded.  Almost to the bottom of the left column you will find game summaries and personal antidotes for each SWC matchup in 1995.  They are not all there yet, I am up to 11/9/95.  I did not start these until the Oct/Nov lull between SWC matchups this year.
As mentioned above, I have also been heavily tweeting on @SWCfootballNow trying to build followers on that account (it pales in comparison to my over 1200 follower space twitter account).  It has been a fun year and I have been a bit wordy on my mini blog posts in the middle column of the SWCfootball.com site so havenot needed to do any expanding on those entries here on the blog.  This blog page will focus more on special events, big uniform news, or interesting memorabilia finds related to the Southwest Conference that need more explanation on their back story.  Or I may start just publishing here when I make big updates to the site.  I may also add a few backdated posts here to cover the bea-u-ti-ful throwbacks we have had this year and the lack of crappy Texas Tech one-off unis this year (they finally listened).

Seriously - go here!  There is more than enough to entertain your nostalgic love of the Southwest Conference there for now.  I constantly add to all areas of the site.  FYI: there is also a complete uniform 101 for this year in the right column below the virtual standings - it is called "In the Wash".

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